How Can I Keep My Yoga Practice Going When I Can’t Get to Regular Classes?

Whether it is due to travel, vacation, or other times when classes are cancelled or inaccessible, it can be easy to get out of your yoga routine. How can you motivate yourself to keep going with your practice? Here are a few ideas: 

  1. Commit to just a little and do more when you can. In classical yoga, there are certain practices that are called “complete”, meaning that all the benefits of yoga can be found within them. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation), Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breath) and Japa (Chanting) are three complete practices. Pick a practice and commit to doing one round a day, which can take less than 1 minute. Then if you have more time - even a minute or two more - you can add on. You’ll feel better about your practice by keeping it supremely manageable, and you’ll feel better period by doing a bit of yoga daily.

  2. Incorporate rather than add on. Instead of making yoga one more thing to squeeze in, notice how you can incorporate yoga into your existing plans. Have a long plane or car ride? Listening to a meditation or yoga nidra can make your trip more pleasant. Stuck indoors or in a waiting room? Yoga audiobooks or kirtan recordings can help the time fly by. On a cruise or tour? Yoga classes may be offered as part of your package - be sure to inquire.

  3. Take advantage of technology. Your favorite teacher may have YouTube videos, recordings of their classes, or email inspirations. Or you may be able to join your regular class remotely via Facetime, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp.

  4. Seek support. Join a challenge, find a friend that will do yoga with you, sign up for a daily inspirational email. Harness the truth of the African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Wondering where you can find some extra support and motivation? Check our YouTube channel and Facebook videos for yoga nidras, meditations, even full classes! You can also contact us to set up a remote private session - if you have internet, we can join you wherever you are in the world!