Ayurveda and the Seasons: Support is All Around You!

Two jack-o-lanterns, their orange color perfect for balancing the vata nature of Fall.

According to yoga’s sister science of Ayurveda, the different times of year correspond to the different doshas. Fall, with its blustery chill and dry leaves, is a time when Vata (air & space) predominates. Late Winter and Spring, with all of the attendant mud and new growth, is prime time for Kapha (earth & water). Summer is hot and humid - perfectly corresponding with the Pitta elements of fire & water.

Mother Nature (Prakriti, with a big “P”) has a huge impact on our individual nature (prakriti, with a small “p”). We can easily go into an imbalance related to the season. For example, in Fall, it is common to feel indecisive, scattered, anxious, insomniac, achy and fearful (no wonder that Halloween is smack in the heart of Vata season!). Fortunately, Nature provides us with exactly the color palette we need - the brilliant reds and yellows of the changing leaves, the vibrant orange of pumpkins - to help us regain our inner balance. Similarly, the weather of Kapha can contribute to feeling stuck and to seasonal affective disorder (“will this Winter ever end?!”) - the erupting bright greens, yellows and pinks of the earliest blooms can help invigorate and reinspire us. When the heat of Summer aggravates Pitta, leading to the common observation that anger flares as temperatures rise, Nature sends its bluest skies and lushest greens to placate our minds and souls.

So when you notice yourself feeling less than great, let Mother Nature be your guide. Surround yourself with the colors of the season indoors and out - wear that bright orange sweater in the Fall, bring fresh daffodils into your office for Spring, drink your favorite cold beverage from an ice-blue mug in Summer - and bring yourself back into balance!

Image by Beate Felten-Leidel from Pixabay